Ποινικό Δίκαιο
  • Crimes against public order
  • Currency crimes
  • Crimes related to memoranda
  • Crimes related to the administration of justice (false testimony, false expert opinion, false reporting, etc.)
  • Crimes related to the service (bribery of an official of judicial officers, etc.)
  • Common dangerous crimes (arson, flooding, explosion, violation of building rules, etc.)
  • Crimes of harm to human life (manslaughter, etc.)
  • Crimes against physical integrity (bodily harm, dangerous bodily harm, grievous bodily harm, fatal bodily injury, etc.)
  • Crimes against personal liberty (abduction, trafficking in human beings, illegal restraint, vigilante justice, threatening, etc.)
  • Crimes related to the family (violation of maintenance obligation, abandonment of a pregnant woman, neglect of supervision of a minor, etc.)
  • Crimes against honour (slander, insulting the memory of the deceased, etc.)
  • Crimes against property (aggravated theft, embezzlement, robbery, etc.)
  • Crimes against property (extortion, fraud, disloyalty, defrauding creditors, etc.)



  • Interrogation
  • Preliminary investigation, preliminary examination (appearance, preparation of pleadings, explanations, etc.)
  • Criminal conciliation, criminal negotiation, appearances in all criminal courts (Single-member, three-member, Court of Appeal, etc.)
  • Claims of an acquitted defendant against a plaintiff (lawsuits, criminal complaints, mergers, objections, annulments, suspensions, etc.)

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